

(Replacing the GMTA Constitution and Bylaws adopted November 3, 1977, last amended November 8, 2013)


The name of this organization shall be the GEORGIA MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, INC., founded 1954, hereafter called the ASSOCIATION and affiliated with the MUSIC TEACHERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC., Cincinnati, Ohio, a Code Section 501(c)(3) organization.


Section 1: Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Section 2: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Section 3: In the event of the dissolution of this organization, any funds remaining in the treasury after the payment of any outstanding debts shall be contributed to Music Teachers National Association (MTNA).


All members of GMTA must be members in good standing of MTNA.

Section 1: Membership Classifications

Membership classifications in the ASSOCIATION are: Active (including Senior and Six-Month members), Collegiate, Patron, Retired, and Honorary Lifetime. Membership privileges and dues are prescribed in the Procedural Manual of the ASSOCIATION.

Section 2: Membership Year

The Executive Board shall determine the membership year for all membership classifications.


Section 1: The MTNA Board of Directors establishes the national annual dues for all classifications of membership and shall be due as determined by MTNA. Dues are delinquent sixty days beyond the renewal date after which time members are not in good standing or entitled to any of the privileges of membership until dues are paid for the current membership year.

Section 2: The GMTA Executive Board shall establish the annual GMTA dues amount and make the information available to the membership.

Section 3: The GMTA Local Associations shall establish the local annual dues.


Section 1: Elected Officers

a. The elected officers of the ASSOCIATION shall be a president, a president-elect, immediate past president, such vice-presidents as are necessary for the effective operation of the Association as determined by the Executive Board, members-at-large, and a secretary. The authority and duties of each officer shall be defined in the Procedural Manual of the ASSOCIATION.

b. Officers shall not use their office to express opinions outside the ASSOCIATION without first obtaining approval from the Executive Board. All officers shall be responsible to the Executive Board for their actions.

Section 2: Executive Director (Paid Administrator)

The Executive Director (Paid Administrator) for the ASSOCIATION shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Board. Duties, title, compensation, and retention of the Executive Director (Paid Administrator) shall be recommended by the Finance/Advisory Committee and shall be approved by the Executive Board.


Section 1: The Executive Board shall serve the ASSOCIATION in a governing capacity.

Section 2: The Executive Board shall consist of the president, the president-elect, the vice-president(s), the secretary, the members-at-large, the immediate past president, the presidents of local associations, chairs (such as Certification, IMTF, and Archivist, etc., all of which shall be listed in the Procedural Manual), and the Executive Director (ex officio without vote).


Section 1: The president may appoint any committees as may be required by the Bylaws or as deemed beneficial to the Association. All committee appointees shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 2: The Finance/Advisory Committee shall oversee the fiscal affairs of the Association and conduct an annual review of the duties, job performance and compensation of the Executive Director (Paid Administrator). The Finance/Advisory Committee shall also serve in an advisory capacity to the president and to the Executive Board.

Section 3: Approximately nine to twelve (9-12) months prior to the annual business meeting of the ASSOCIATION in even-numbered years, the president, in consultation with the president-elect, shall appoint a nominating committee of at least two active members to serve with the president-elect who shall serve as chair. The committee shall make at least one nomination for each of the offices of president-elect, vice-president(s), secretary, and members-at-large, and shall present this slate of nominees for approval at a meeting of the Executive Board. The approved slate shall be made available to the membership at least two weeks prior to the election held at the annual business meeting during the state conference.

Section 4: Other committees shall be enumerated in the Procedural Manual.


Section 1: The president-elect, the vice-president(s), the secretary, and the members-at-large shall be elected by ballot, except when the number of nominees does not exceed the number to be elected, in which case the election may be by oral vote.

Section 2: All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership present and voting at the annual business meeting of the ASSOCIATION in even-numbered years.

Section 3: Officers are elected for a term of two years. No elected officer shall hold the same office for more than two terms in succession, with the exception of the president, who shall be limited to one term.

Section 4: The term of office commences immediately following the adjournment of the annual conference of the Association.

Section 5: A list of the newly elected officers shall be made available to the membership following the annual business meeting of the ASSOCIATION.


The fiscal year of the ASSOCIATION shall be determined by the Executive Board based on the current MTNA practice.


Section 1: There shall be at least one business meeting of the ASSOCIATION each year. The business meeting shall be held during the annual conference. At least two weeks notification shall be given to members prior to this meeting.

Section 2: The Executive Board shall hold a minimum of two meetings each year. Other special meetings may be called by the president. Two weeks notification shall be given to board members prior to each meeting.


Section 1: A quorum at annual business meetings or special membership meetings of the ASSOCIATION shall consist of those present and voting.

Section 2: Ten members of the Executive Board, three of whom must be officers, shall constitute a quorum for that body.


In the event of urgent need, transaction of business by mail or other media may be conducted by the president. Such business must have the approval of the Finance/Advisory Committee prior to its submission to the members by the president. Each item of business submitted thus by the president shall meet the approval by a simple majority (51 percent) of the active members voting to become an official act of the ASSOCIATION.


Section 1: Any city, town, or geographical area music teachers association may petition to the Executive Board for affiliation in Georgia MTA by providing evidence that the following requirements have been fulfilled: (a) That two (2) copies of the Local Association governing documents (e.g., Constitution, Bylaws) have been filed with the GMTA Executive Director (Paid Administrator) and they are consistent with those of GMTA. (b) That its fiscal and membership year(s) coincide with that of GMTA.

Section 2: Upon determining that a petitioning local music teachers association has fulfilled the requirements of Section one (1) of this Article, GMTA shall approve the petition.

Section 3: In referring to its affiliation each Local Association shall use the phrase "Affiliated with the Georgia Music Teachers Association." This specified phrase shall be included in the governing documents of all affiliated Local Associations.

Section 4: Annual renewal of a Local Association shall be made without reconsideration by GMTA provided: (a) That the affiliate has not formally notified GMTA that it wishes to discontinue affiliation. (b) That it guarantees on the basis of submitted membership rosters that one hundred percent (100%) of its members who meet the requirements of MTNA Active Membership, and one hundred percent (100%) of its Collegiate members, who meet the requirements of MTNA Collegiate Membership, are members in good standing of MTNA. (c) That all changes in the governing documents of the affiliated Local Association have been filed with GMTA, that they are consistent with the Bylaws of GMTA, and have been approved by GMTA. (d) That all provisions of Sections one (1) and four (4) of this Article continue to be fulfilled.


These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the GEORGIA MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, INC. by a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting. Notice of any intended change (which has been submitted in writing by a Revision Committee and approved by the Finance/Advisory Committee and the Executive Board) shall be made available to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

These Bylaws with any amendments shall be made available to the membership.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association's meetings in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws of the Association and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.